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Monthly Archive for September, 2024

It’s a Fine Line

Tom Franklin’s “On Little Terry Road,” explores the concept of bordering on the edge of two paths. We follow the story of Dibbs, a deputy sheriff, trying to navigate an impossible situation. We see his struggle in both trying to internally define his relationship with Ferriday as well as cleaning up the mess she’s made. There’s […]

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The male gaze/voice The main character Lolo in “On Little Terry Road” is a prime example of the conversations we’ve had in class around the male voice/gaze but also cliches/troupes. The story is written in 3rd person so we see how whoever is in proximity to Lolo sees his view of Ferriday in a lustful manner which is such […]

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Tom Franklin’s short story “On Little Terry Road” is a rich exploration of themes like vengeance and justice, wrapped up in a compelling narrative. As a writer looking closely at this story, it is clear that Franklin has crafted something deeply engaging. Let’s break down how he uses narrative techniques to highlight these themes and […]

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Sink or Swim

“The Great Wave” by S.J. Rozan is an interesting read because of the choice to make it an interior piece, which reinforces the isolation of the main character who has found herself stuck in a situation she never thought she would experience and had a very hard time coping with. I thought it was an […]

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Joyce Carol Oates’ “The Woman in the Window” might seem straightforward initially, but it’s packed with deeper meanings and psychological insight. By taking a closer look at her writing choices, we can uncover how she explores themes of identity, perception, and isolation in a way that engages us on multiple levels. The Power of Perspective […]

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The power of obsession

          Audubon’s Watch by John Gregory Brown is filled with rich details about many different species of birds. I think this is a technique that the author used to try to gain the reader’s respect and showcase the knowledge that his character should have. The mention of many different species of birds, […]

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Freedom and Feathers

What stuck out to me was the distinct difference in the story that is being told by Audubon, and what he is experiencing as he shares his story. Through the course of this letter, he details a time where he was most free, and perhaps most poor. Despite his struggles at this time, I read […]

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