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The power of obsession

  watch 2        Audubon’s Watch by John Gregory Brown is filled with rich details about many different species of birds. I think this is a technique that the author used to try to gain the reader’s respect and showcase the knowledge that his character should have. The mention of many different species of birds, the comparison of flight patterns, and the other calls that the character links back to different birds have me, as the reader, fully believing that Audubon must have a profession that is closely linked with birds. 

          Audubon’s interest in birds quickly begins to slip into obsession. He seems to only think about birds; spending his free time drawing the birds and referencing a pair of mated eagles as if they were a human couple. Audubon seems to have a hard time separating birds and humans, stating that he can not discern between the two anymore. Audubon also has this ravenous hunger to find “all the birds” following the reasoning of: “Every bird is my brother.” He seems to not only be obsessed with the birds but seems to consider them like him, or equal to him. 

          Furthermore, the interactions between Audubon and his wife spark many questions. Audubon’s wife seems apprehensive at best and possessive at worst over her children when it comes to Audubon. It is heavily implied that this is because of his obsession. It seems that Lucy is afraid that Audubon will take the boys on an adventure and mentor them into becoming as obsessed with birds as he is. 

          As Audubon ages and his mobility fails, he sinks back into his infatuation with his birds. Stating that others may not see them, but he sees all of them. Even with his declining health, Audubon continues to draw his birds for a man named Victor. Throughout the story Audubon thinks of the birds and the sky. In his final moments he hears the beating of thousands of wings and knowing he is running out of time he wishes to write a letter detailing his wrong doings in life and his final words. 



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